YOUR LETTERS: Holding my nose


I held my nose and voted my 16 and 1/2 shares in favor of retaining all three of the Lee Enterprises board members up for retention.

In previous years, I have always voted against Lee’s board, in protest of the company starving the Post-Dispatch of needed resources and giving the corporate bosses big bonuses.

This year, my vote was against Alden Global Capital – the vulture hedge fund trying to take control of the Post-Dispatch and Lee.

Alden is, by far, an even worse steward than Lee.

Lee has been a slow death for our newsroom and readers.

Alden would be a fast death.

As bad as Lee is, at least it wants to be in the newspaper business.

Alden is essentially a real estate company that wants to sell off everything not nailed down.

United Media Guild
Retired Post-Dispatch investigative reporter


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