YOUR LETTERS: No more tax cuts for the wealthy

When the wealthy pay their fair share, we can lower costs on everything from healthcare to housing to nutrition. But, consistently, when Republicans cut taxes for the rich and corporations, and starve the federal government of critical revenue, they turn around and demand cuts to critical programs and services.

Conservatives in Congress and on Wall Street like to tell us that we can’t afford Social Security and Medicare; that we must cut SNAP food benefits for low-income households; that we must cut housing vouchers for vulnerable families; all while continuing massive tax cuts for the rich and corporations.

Now, Donald Trump and congressional Republicans are saying that in 2025 they plan to renew expiring portions of the Trump-GOP tax scam, which mostly benefit the rich and corporations.

Our activism is critical to fighting back against even more tax cuts that benefit the richest one percent at the expense of working families. Together, our activism can defeat the unlimited resources of Wall Street millionaires and billionaires.

Campaign Director
Americans  for  Tax  Fairness  Action  Fund
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