YOUR LETTERS: Scott Sifton – workers’ friend, always


(Editor’s Note: a leading Democratic candidate in the crowded race to replace retiring Sen. Roy Blunt, former Missouri State Senator Scott Sifton withdrew from the race last week to support another candidate. Read more at

I want to say the following about Sen. Scott Sifton:

I was there when Scott stood for us on the House Floor. I was there when Scott stood for us on the floor of the Senate.

Time and time again he fought for those that couldn’t fight for themselves, for working men and women and for everyday citizens. Scott put the needs of his constituents before anything else.

Now, once again, he put party before the person.

Life isn’t always fair. Yet, once again, Scott cared more about what would be in the best interest of Missourians than he did anything else. I wish more people in politics today adhered to a similar code.

We should all strive to be more like Scott.

We should let him know we all owe him a debt. I’m proud to know him. I hope in the future he considers running for something again.

Proud to call him a friend and a true Democrat!

Missouri AFL-CIO


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