YOUR LETTERS: Social Security survival on Nov. 8 ballot

CNBC featured a story that makes it absolutely clear: Our Social Security system is on the ballot Nov. 8.

In their story, CNBC broke down the positions of Senators like Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) and the Senate recruits who have signed on to NRSC Chair Senator Rick Scott’s plan to destroy Social Security and Medicare. It’s absolutely clear: Social Security’s fate could be determined in this election.

We’re taking that message directly to the people, with more than 40 public events between now and Election Day on Nov. 8.

In contrast to the Republican plans to destroy Social Security and Medicare, Democrats are running on protecting and expanding our earned benefits. Whether it’s Rep. John Larson’s Social Security 2100 Act or Sen. Bernie Sanders’s Social Security Expansion Act, Democrats have plans ready to go that will increase benefits to help seniors meet rising costs and protect the program over the long term.

Democrats have delivered for older voters, from beating Big Pharma and lowering prescription drug prices to lowering the cost of insulin for Medicare beneficiaries. Republicans from Rick Scott to Arizona Senate hopeful Blake Masters have been explicit in their desire to destroy economic security for our seniors.

Social Security Works

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