BBQ with Chris Koster, candidate for Missouri Governor


Organized Labor has long been a major supporter of Attorney General Chris Koster’s campaign for governor. Now, it’s your chance to show support while hobnobbing with Koster and other like-minded labor union members at a free, open to the public barbecue.

Hot dogs and burgers, with drinks and friends will be held from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on May 26 at the Tri-County Labor Club hall, 10 Droste Square (near Lindenwood College, behind Tubby’s Bowling Alley) in St. Charles. Everyone from the labor community is urged to attend. One need not be a member of Tri-County Labor Club.

Koster has long been a supporter of labor unions, and opposes Republican efforts to impose a right-to-work and paycheck deception laws in Missouri.

As current Governor Jay Nixon vetoed this year’s attempt to push through right-to-work, the labor community is certain that anti-labor forces will bring it back.

“I can assure you right to work will be back,” said St. Louis Labor Council President Patrick White. “If Koster isn’t elected governor, Missouri will be a right-to-work state, no doubt about it.”

Tri-County Labor Club President Steve Bailey is urging everyone to come out to show your support for Chris Koster.

“We want a really good turnout for this event,” Bailey said. “Koster has been behind Labor and we need to show him we’re behind his election campaign.”

Donations will be accepted, but are not mandatory.

Koster has a growing number of grassroots supporters as he leads the fight for workers’ rights, public education, equality, life-saving research, women’s rights and expanding healthcare.

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