Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention, LivingWorks offering free online workforce training

As many people struggle with stress and anxiety, suicide prevention skills are more needed than ever.

The Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP) and LivingWorks have stepped up to help, offering 60-90-minute LivingWorks Start suicide prevention training at no cost.

Which do you think you’re more likely to encounter on a construction site — someone who needs CPR, or someone who needs a suicide intervention? Many are surprised to learn that it’s suicide intervention.

The good news is that virtually anyone can learn basic skills to recognize the signs of suicide and take action to prevent it.

To help your members and employees learn these life-saving skills, CIASP has partnered with Lendlease to provide discounted access to LivingWorks Start, an online training program. Accessible from any computer or mobile device, the quick, powerful program teaches people what to look out for and how to connect someone to help.

The 60-90-minute LivingWorks Start suicide prevention training is offered at no cost for organizations wanting to train their members and workforce.

Visit to learn more about LivingWorks vision and suicide prevention solutions.



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