EWMC Annual Benefit for Coats for Kids program set for this Saturday, Dec. 2


A dance benefiting the St. Louis Chapter of Electrical Workers Minority Caucus’ Coats for Kids program will be held this Saturday, Dec. 2. A story in last week’s Labor Tribune gave the incorrect date for the benefit.

The event includes a DJ, food and drinks and a 50/50 raffle, and will begin at 7 p.m. at the IBEW Local 1 union hall,5850 Elizabeth Ave. in St. Louis. The cost to attend is $15 a person and all proceeds will benefit the Coats for Kids program. Guests are also asked to donate children’s coats and warm winter essentials.

Each year in December, the EWMC collects coats for needy and homeless children in the greater St. Louis area. Over the past five years, it has collected and donated more than 11,000 coats.

Members of the IBEW Locals 1, 1439 and 1455 conduct the annual drive to help children and young adults who are in desperate need of coats, hats and gloves for the winter but whose financial conditions are such that they can’t afford them.

“When you see these kids, they’re just happy to have a coat,” said Carl Burk, Sr., former EWMC secretary. “It’s just sad that we take so much for granted.”

The reaction of one little boy who received a coat, he said, was heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time.

“He’s just happy to have a coat on,” Burks said. “You don’t know if he’s sleeping in the street or sleeping in a car. It makes us happy, and it makes our organization grow.”

The coats are distributed through dozens of local organizations, including the Annie Malone Children & Family Service Center, Tandy Community Center, St. Vincent’s, ECHO, local city schools and several groups serving disabled children.

Donations can be dropped off at the IBEW Local 1 hall at 5850 Elizabeth Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 63110.

For more information, or to donate call EWMC President Sylvester Taylor at 314-220-1407.


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