How to find the best rehab center

Every year almost 44,000 people die from drug overdoses. Facing the reality of death should be enough to find the help needed for someone facing addiction. Checking into a rehab center is the first step to changing lives for the better, urges Sana Lake Recovery, which serves the St. Louis and Kansas City area. If you know someone who needs help and is considering a rehab center, here are 10 qualities to look for.

1. Properly trained staff
Since the staff and professionals will be the main source of help, it’s important to make sure they are properly trained and licensed. This means making sure the nurses are registered, the doctors have proper degrees and the rest of the staff are appropriately educated. If they don’t have any certifications, it may be a red flag. Having these qualifications can help ensure the care is credible and trustworthy.

2. Custom treatment plans
Not every person who needs rehabilitation is the same, so it’s important to have a treatment plan tailored to each patient’s needs. And because everyone is unique, it is necessary to pinpoint every aspect of trauma they have been through, giving insight into their deeper issues and allowing a specific plan of treatment. Always make sure your facility does not provide a “one size fits all” treatment plan. For example, if you need alcohol recovery, they should provide a personalized plan to start the recovery process.

3. Exercise
Exercise plays a huge role in the well-being of our physical and mental health. If that aspect is ignored, it begins to have a negative impact on our conditions overall. Recovering addicts must receive the positivity that exercise can produce. For many, seeing changes in their bodies and minds can change their outlook.

Exercise is a great stress reliever and dopamine producer and can be as minimal as a short walk. Other exercise options can include biking, kayaking, jogging and lifting weights. And as long as you’re up and moving around, you’re on the right track.

4. Program accreditation
It’s important to have a program that has been accredited, meaning it has met the state licensing requirements and have had the necessary evaluations. It is always a positive sign to see if it has been approved by the Joint Commission Accreditation for Addiction Treatment or the Commission on Accreditation of Rehab Facilities. These approvals ensure the facilities are up to the expected guidelines, and lets you know that the program has been looked into carefully for optimal results.

5. Proper medical care
Not all rehab facilities have on-site medical care, but detoxing is a serious ordeal that many suffer through in the beginning steps of their rehabilitation. Having medical care on-site can be extremely comforting for patients and provide peace of mind for family members of the individual in recovery.

6. Family therapy
Many times, families have been the cause of suffering, or suffer from the actions of the patient. Healing those familial wounds can be the start of forgiveness and moving on. Family therapy is a great option to have at a rehab facility.

7. Amenities
While in rehab, people may need some calming amenities to take their minds off stress and problems. Check to see what amenities the facility has to offer. For example, patients can start a new hobby or pick up on a previous one. Or the facility may offer weight room, acupuncture, hiking or other options to help in the healing journey.

8. High success rate
If you’re interested in a certain program, check its success rate to see how many people finish the program. If it’s high, that’s a good sign. If it’s low, think about somewhere else. You might also reach out to someone who has been in the program to ask about their experience. Facilities with a high success rate provide better chances of completing recovery and becoming sober.

9. Payment options
Depending on the rehab facility chosen, consider the price. Make sure the facility is transparent in its pricing and shows you a full breakdown of what to expect. See if they offer payment plans. If they have multiple options, it’s safe to say their best interest is in helping you heal. However, if they don’t offer payment plans or turn you away due to financial reasons, they may only be interested in money. If that occurs, consider another program.

10. Aftercare plan
While graduating from rehab is an amazing accomplishment, it’s crucial to know that the work doesn’t stop there. Battling addiction is a day-to-day process that requires hard work. Always ask if the program offers an aftercare plan to help you stay on your newfound path. This could include therapy, sober living, further treatment, or support groups. A good drug and alcohol rehab should analyze the patient’s situation as a whole, then provide an extensive plan to help them remain sober in the long run.

If you, or someone you know, is experiencing a substance use disorder, Sana Lake Recovery serves both the greater St. Louis area along with the Kansas City area. Sana Lake’s individualized approach to treatment offers substance use disorder treatment services such as medically monitored detox, inpatient residential treatment, outpatient behavioral wellness centers, Supportive Recovery Housing, and their Members for Life recovery community.

Sana Lake Recovery provides addiction and mental health treatment with a more personal focus on what you need for successful, lasting recovery. With credentialed, empathetic staff in a world-class treatment setting, patients are guided toward long-term recovery in a way that makes the most sense for their unique needs.

For more information call 855-745-3336 or visit


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