Illinois AFL-CIO seeking help passing the Fair Tax Amendment

THE ILLINOIS AFL-CIO is looking for volunteers to call fellow union members either virtually (from home) or at socially distanced phone banks in support of Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s Fair Tax proposal.

Illinois Correspondent

Springfield, IL – The Illinois AFL-CIO is asking local unions and leaders to sign on as endorsers of the Fair Tax Amendment, a top priority of Labor 2020 on the November ballot.

The Fair Tax Amendment is a proposal by Gov. J.B. Pritzker to end the state’s flat income tax, in which the top earners pay the same percentage rate as the lowest wage-earners, and replace it with a graduated rate. For 97 percent of taxpayers, it would bring at least a small tax break. Only the state’s highest earners would pay more.

The measure needs 60 percent of the vote to pass. The Illinois AFL-CIO is urging union locals and individual members to endorse the Fair Tax, as the support of union members and union households will be essential to get it passed.

Volunteers also are needed to contact union members to encourage their support. Keeping safety a top priority, the Labor 2020 program is coordinating virtual phone banking that union members can do from their home or office.

For those who are comfortable doing so, a group of regional phone banks also will run at half-capacity to allow for social distancing.

To volunteer or for more information, contact Illinois AFL-CIO Political Director Bill Looby at 217-494-4014 or email


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