Labor grant will help detainees find work

Clayton – A $4 million U.S. Department of Labor grant has been awarded to Family and Workforce Centers of America (FWCA) with St. Louis County as a partner to provide eligible detainees with employment, education and skills training plans to move them toward economic stability and security.

These grants are job-driven and build connections to local employers that will enable successful transitions upon release from the St. Louis County Justice Center.

“St. Louis County is proud to participate in this initiative, which allows us an opportunity to assist individuals once involved in the criminal justice system with the resources needed to succeed upon their release,” County Executive Sam Page said.

The “Pathway Home Program” will enroll 400 residents between 20 and 180 days before their releases from the County’s Justice Center. Career pathway plans will be developed for participants, beginning with assessments at the Justice Center.

“I am thrilled to offer residents of the Justice Center opportunities to successfully re-enter the community through education and skill training prior to release,” said Doug Burris, Director of Justice Services for St. Louis County.

Once participants are released, supportive services will be provided by St. Louis County’s Department of Human Services and its partners.

“We are thrilled to partner with FWCA and the Justice Center to ensure training opportunities and supportive services through the Pathway Home Program,” said Andrea Jackson-Jennings, director of Human Services for St. Louis County. “We look forward to continuing to assist individuals on pathways to education, training and employment upon their release.”

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