Missouri AFL-CIO BBQ in the Park

Jefferson City – The Missouri AFL-CIO’s annual Barbecue in the Park April 29 offered union members and legislators from throughout the state a chance to meet, enjoy food and drinks and relax away from the turmoil inside the State Capitol.

There was a great turnout for this year’s event, with union leaders and legislators vowing to keep up the fight to protect workers’ right against legislative attacks from right-to-work (RTW)/Freedom to Work, paycheck deception, anti-prevailing wage and other anti-worker legislation.

This year’s session has been particularly tumultuous with House Speaker Tim Jones (R-Eureka) pushing his RTW/anti-worker agenda with the help of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), Grover Norquist and other outside interest groups.

Those outside interests were nowhere to be seen at the barbecue, however, and all had a good time.

Labor Tribune photos

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