Missouri AFL-CIO calls on union members to canvass for pro-Labor candidates

“When workers come together in a union, we are strong; when unions come together to work for a common cause, we are unstoppable,” Jake Hummel, president of the Missouri AFL-CIO, and Pat White, president of the St. Louis Labor Council, wrote in a joint letter to union locals ahead of the Nov. 8 election

“We saw this in 2018 when we defeated ‘right-to-work,’ they wrote. “With all our union locals pulling in the same direction, we smashed ‘right-to-work’ and showed everyone that Missouri is a Union State!

“In order to prevent right-to-work from once again rearing its ugly head, we need to elect Pro-Labor candidates this fall,” the letter continued. “Which is why St. Louis region unions are once again coming together to get the job done.”

The Missouri AFL-CIO and St. Louis Labor Council have been running door-to-door canvasses out of 9700 MacKenzie Road in Affton to help get pro-Labor candidates elected. Four canvasses have already taken place. The last canvass starts at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 5.

“We asked each Local to pick one Saturday and coordinate an effort to bring out as many of their members to walk as possible,” the letter states. “Working together, we will elect candidates to the legislature that oppose ‘right-to-work,’ paycheck deception and other anti-worker policies, while re-electing County Executive Sam Page and giving him an additional pro-worker councilwoman to help pass pro-worker policies in the St. Louis Region.”

For information, contact AFL-CIO Political Organizer Levi Lovell at LLovell@moaflcio.org.

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