New Mother Jones exhibit opens in St. Louis

LEARNING ABOUT MOTHER JONES, once described as “America’s most dangerous woman,” visitors tour the new exhibit at the St. Louis Workers’ Education Society at 2929 S. Jefferson Ave. in St. Louis. – Labor Tribune photo

A new Mother Jones exhibit is now open at the St. Louis Workers’ Education Society (WES) at 2929 S. Jefferson Ave.

Guests at the 27th Annual WES Hershel Walker Peace and Justice Awards earlier this year were able to tour the new exhibit after the awards ceremony. It includes several informational boards, a large cutout of the iconic Labor activist and a push-and-play 24-minute video about her.

The exhibit was produced by the Mother Jones Heritage Project, which collaborates with a network of partners to collect, interpret and preserve the legacy of labor activist Mary Harris “Mother” Jones, an Irish immigrant who became the movement’s leading organizer and who battled for workers’ rights and justice across America.

Rosemary Feurer, a Northern Illinois University Labor historian and director of the Mother Jones Heritage Project Director, spoke at the event and walked guests through the exhibit afterward.

She said that before Jones was involved in the mineworkers, she was organizing domestic workers in St. Louis who were cleaning houses and taking care of domestic chores.

“With our agreement with WES, our plan is to expand this into a much more St. Louis oriented exhibition, and I’m really excited about that prospect,” Feurer said.

Tours of the exhibit are by appointment only. To schedule a tour, contact WES President Tony Pecinovsky at


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