Operating Engineers Local 513 bannering Jefferson Arms project


DOWNTOWN ST. LOUIS – Operating Engineers Local 513 is bannering the long-delayed and troubled Jefferson Arms redevelopment project at 415 Tucker Blvd. Local 513 members (from left) Milton Valentine and Ken Carter manned the banner at the Locust and 12th streets construction entrance on  Wednesday, Oct. 4, with a greedy Fat Cat inflatable informing drivers and passersby that the developer, Dallas-based Alterra Worldwide, is using contractors that pay below area standard wages and benefits. Alterra has received $20 million in tax incentives for the project from the city of St. Louis, including $17.4 million in tax-increment financing (TIF) and $2.6 million in special sales tax districts to turn the 500,000-square-foot, historic Jefferson Arms into a hotel and apartments. – Labor Tribune photo


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