OPINION: Our members and our nation deserve much better

General President
International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT)

The first presidential debate between President Trump and Joe Biden was insulting and completely divorced from what Americans are dealing with in this country. Twelve million Americans have lost their health insurance in the last six months, 840,000 Americans filed for unemployment last week, and millions of working families nationwide have had to make tough decisions on how to pay their bills.

When it came to the issues that impact our members and the nation most, like the economy and healthcare, Trump had insults to offer instead of solutions. Bullying and name-calling do nothing to offer the stability and assurance the working people of our country desperately need and deserve.

Trump’s racism and division became painfully evident when he couldn’t even condemn white supremacy when asked and then proceeded to put far-right groups on standby.

While Trump constantly interrupted and changed topics, he didn’t give the American people a chance to hear the solutions Vice President Biden has to the many crises currently facing our nation.

From the PRO Act to robust federal infrastructure funding, Biden has solutions, which is why our trade union and nearly every union has endorsed his campaign for president. We deserve much better and we all know it. That’s why we’re organizing to replace the union buster in the White House who spent his time during the debate as he spends most days, trying to divide us up and pit us against each other.

In solidarity, there is strength, and on Nov. 3, we will show the nation the power we have when we stand together.

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