Pride at Work St. Louis forming to help fight for LGBTQ workers’ rights

Developing program for unions to promote understanding

REGINA LUSBY-BINGAMAN, coordinator of the newly formed Pride At Work St. Louis discusses with delegates of the St. Louis Labor Council the group’s efforts to educate union members about the fight for equality and workers’ rights for the LGBTQ community. – Labor Tribune photo

Pride At Work St. Louis (P@WSTL), a new worker constituency group in formation, has launched a program to educate union members and their families on the group’s efforts to fight for equality and workers’ rights for the LGBTQ community.

Explaining the difficulties LGBTQ workers face personally and on the job to delegates at the Nov. 16 Labor Council meeting, Regina Lusby-Bingaman, a member of UAW Local 2250 and P@W coordinator, introduced the effort to grow the local group and expand its efforts to reach out to the Labor community and help union members understand the myriad of obstacles facing union LGBTQ workers.

The group’s national goals are:

  • To create a Labor Movement that cherishes diversity, encourages openness, and ensures safety and full equality for LGBTQ workers both in the workplace and in our unions.
  • To educate the LGBTQ community about the benefits of a union contract for LGBTQ working people and to build support and solidarity for the Labor Movement in the LGBTQ community.

“LGBTQ workers struggle with jobs, protective contract language, job advancement and many other obstacles,” Lusby-Bingaman told delegates.

With a goal of helping others understand and accept their fellow LGBTQ workers, P@WSTL is offering to attend union meetings with trainings to educate union members and discuss their efforts to gain understanding and support.

Lusby-Bingaman said the meetings can be tailored to meet each union’s needs.

For more information on P@WSTL, email or call 314-596-2749.

P@W is a recognized constituency group affiliated with the national AFL-CIO.

(Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story mentioned a Dec. 4 meet and greet at the Machinists Hall. The event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled for 2022.)


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