Rain cancels Madison County parade on Aug. 26; softball tournament will be rescheduled

GREG KAPP, business agent for Iron Workers Local 392, joined friend of Labor Phil Little to pour beers and raise money for the Madison County Workers Memorial on Aug. 26 during the Madison County Federation of Labor’s union picnic at Gordon Moore Park in Alton. – Labor Tribune photo

Alton/Wood River, IL – A monsoon-like rainstorm failed to dampen the spirits of Madison County union members during the first of several Labor Day celebrations.

The Greater Madison County Federation of Labor intended to kick off Labor Day with a parade down Wood River Avenue Aug. 26, followed by a softball tournament and picnic cookout in Gordon Moore Park in Alton. However, when the rainy weather came in the parade was canceled and the softball tournament postponed.

The picnic continued despite the downpour with workers and their families sheltering under tents.

“We are resilient,” said Dean Webb, president of the Greater Madison County Federation of Labor, gesturing to the pouring rain. “After all, we work out in this stuff.”

The James Stanley Charity Softball Tournament will be rescheduled for a future date, Webb said.


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