SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council responds to the murder of George Floyd

St. Louis – SEIU Missouri/Kansas State Council President Nancy E. Cross, Vice President Twayna Thompson and Treasurer Lenny Jones issued a joint statement today regarding the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police:

As we still reel from the impact of COVID-19 in our communities, we now find ourselves once again heartbroken and enraged by an all-too familiar scene: a black man murdered by police officers, caught on tape. George Floyd’s murder is an injustice that only deepens the gulf of distrust many communities of color feel towards law enforcement.

“As a union joining together nearly 12,000 Missouri and Kansas working people across racial lines and different backgrounds, SEIU janitors, healthcare workers, adjunct faculty and more recognize that no one lives a single-issue life. SEIU will continue to work to dismantle anti-black structural racism inherent in our society and advocate for dignity both in and out of the workplace. Racism manifests on the job and in our neighborhoods; if we want to build a better, safer and truly inclusive future, it is the responsibility of Organized Labor to address both.

“The loss of George Floyd is a tragedy for his loved ones, his Minneapolis community and our country as a whole. We are calling on our brothers and sisters in Labor to speak out on this injustice and support the communities that need it most.”


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