Sheet Metal Workers 36 members donate seven truckloads of toys, food

THE WARREN FAMILY, who volunteers each year for the Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 toy drive, delivers the last truckload of toys collected by the effort to the Dunklin Fire Department. Helping out over the weekend was (front row, left to right) Local 36 member Walter Warren, Philomena Durfee and Nancy Warren, and (back row, left to right) Alex Warren, Kyle Warren and Zachary Warren.


St. Louis – Sheet Metal Workers Local 36 recently held a contactless toy and food drive, which provided three truckloads of toys and four truckloads of food for the community.

“We set up a tent outside of the union hall, and our members really delivered,” said Local 36 President and Business Manager Ray Reasons. “It was amazing to see.”

The toys were delivered to Cardinal Glennon Children’s Foundation, the Ronald McDonald House and the Dunklin Fire Department. The food was equally divided between the Arnold Food Pantry and the Affton Food Pantry.

The donations were especially important this year as thousands of families are flocking to food pantries and needing financial help from job losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic.




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