St. Louis City Labor Club donates to help Ballwin police officer shot in the line of duty

stl-labor-clubSt. Louis – In an example of the caring and good that union members do, Ballwin Police Lt. Curt Saitta receives $500 donation from St. Louis City Labor Club President David Holmes to help Ballwin Police Officer Mike Flamion in his recovery after being shot in the line of duty. Pictured are (from left) Kevin McNeil (Sprinkler Fitters Local 268), Club Vice President Jim Clifford (Sprinkler Fitters Local 268), Martin Garcia (St. Louis Police Officers Association), Jeffrey Mack (Laborers Local 42),Kevin Heins (Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562), Club President David Holmes (Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562), Lt. Curt Saitta, Greg Meyer (Missouri NEA), Club Treasurer Shawn Milligan (Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562) and Club Secretary Jason Holmes (Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 562). – photo by Club Member Gary Otten (Painters and Allied Trades District Council 58)

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