St. Louis Schools trade employees overwhelmingly ratify new contract


St. Louis – Skilled trades employees in St. Louis city schools voted Sept. 6 to ratify a new contract between the American Federation of Teachers Local 420 and the St. Louis Public Schools. The vote was 100 percent “Yes” in favor of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

The district’s skilled trades join the ranks of the 1.7 million member American Federation of Teachers national union and Local 420 that represents educators and school related personnel in city schools. The local, state and national AFT are affiliates of the AFL-CIO.

“The results are unprecedented,” said Local 420 President Ray Cummings. “A 100 percent yes vote is outstanding news and a victory for unionism. These workers are just as important as educators and our other members in serving children. They are on the front line when it comes to clean air, clean water, safe schools, working HVAC, electricity, plumbing, painting all the infrastructure. They help keep the schools safe.”

“We didn’t get everything we wanted but now we have full union rights, a grievance procedure, improvement on vacation days and they are no longer at will employees,” said union organizer Ben Harman. “Everyone recognizes this as a positive step forward, a basic union contract with due process and a retroactive pay adjustment and a clear path forward.”

Byron Clemens, union spokesperson and treasurer of the recent Prop S campaign, said “The public approved Prop S providing $160 million for the district last year by 87 percent and put their faith in these very skilled trade workers to keep children, employees and families safe.”



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