UAW supporting Machinists on strike against Laura Buick-GMC

SUPPORTING FELLOW UNION MEMBERS: Members of United Auto Workers (UAW) Local 2250, fresh off their strike against General Motors, are stepping up to support members of Machinists Lodge 313 in their strike against Laura Buick-GMC. “I was honored to present a check for $2,253 to Machinists Union Local 313 Business Agent Roy Collins (right) from passing of the hat at our union meetings to support our union brothers and sisters holding the line at Laura Buick-GMC in Collinsville Ill.,” said UAW Local 2250 President Glenn Kage. “Machinists from all over the St. Louis metropolitan area stopped by and helped us during our 40-day strike against GM. Let’s show them some love and stop in and help them hold the line!”  – UAW Local 2250 photo


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