YOUR LETTERS: A chance at redemption

Everyone should have an opportunity to work, have a safe home, take care of their families, and contribute to their community.

Today, more than 1.9 million Missourians from all walks of life face barriers to jobs, education, housing, and other basic necessities because they have an arrest or conviction on their record.

These challenges impact every part of a person’s life. When our loved ones, friends, neighbors, and community members are barred from fully participating in society and our economy, we all lose out.

Our leaders in Jefferson City have the opportunity to pass the Clean Slate initiative, a bipartisan piece of legislation that will automate the expungement process for eligible records.

Criminal records should not be a life sentence.

Current Missouri law recognizes that by allowing the expungement process. However, the current process is cumbersome and expensive, meaning only the richest and most connected of our neighbors are able to access expungement. Fewer than one percent of eligible people are able to access expungement, despite its life-changing potential.

Join us and our long-time partners Empower Missouri to ensure that everyone who qualifies for expungement should get the clean slate they’ve earned—regardless of whether they can afford a lawyer and expensive court fees or have the knowledge to navigate a complex court process.

You can help by going to and sign the petition.

Political director
Missouri Jobs with Justice Voter Action

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