YOUR LETTERS: Englund: Union friend seeks County Council seat


America as we know it today was built by Union Labor.

And I don’t just mean the physical infrastructure of our roads, bridges, highways, houses, and power grid. I mean the lifestyle and economic freedoms we enjoy today — a widespread middle class, accessible home ownership, and dignified retirement. None of these gains would have been mXade without workers coming together to demand fair pay and benefits for themselves and their families.

I come from a proud union family: my brother is a union electrician, and my dad, whom we lost in 2015, was a machinist and an active member of Machinists District 9 right here in St. Louis County. Everything I learned about hard work, fairness, and fighting for my friends and neighbors, I learned from him.

That’s why I look forward to earning the support of Labor and of every worker in my district, and why I was glad to speak to my friends and allies at the St. Louis Labor Council recently. We’ve come too far to allow these hard-won gains to slip away for so many. We must secure the same opportunity for success and economic freedom that we enjoy now for future generations.

We will win this seat and fight for an efficient, responsive, and ethical County Council that spends our tax dollars—including millions in ARPA funds—in a way that benefits people. I need your help to do this. Can you support my campaign to fight for working families with a donation of $10 or more? (

Candidate (D)
St. Louis County Council District 3
Endorsed by the St. Louis Labor Council


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