YOUR LETTERS: President Biden touts Pro-Worker economic plan at union manufacturer


President Biden visited Milwaukee Aug. 15 to tour Ingeteam, a union manufacturer where Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2150 members produce the only wind turbines completely made in the United States. As a result of the Buy American standards outlined in Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the local will also be manufacturing electric vehicle charging stations.

“President Biden’s economic policy has put the focus back on America’s workers, boosted Wisconsin manufacturing, created jobs for Wisconsin workers, and spurred worker-centered economic growth that strengthens our middle class,” said Wisconsin State AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale (AFT).

“On the one-year anniversary of the Inflation Reduction Act, I am proud to welcome President Biden to a union shop in Milwaukee to celebrate this bill and all the Biden Administration has done to support working people in Wisconsin.”

One year ago, Biden signed into law legislation that revolutionized our economy and put us on the path to a worker-centered clean energy future. The IRA has already proven to be a massive victory for the clean energy transition, growing the U.S. workforce and enhancing our nation’s energy security. This transformative legislation that puts working people first has already had an outsized impact on manufacturing and construction investments across the country.

The IRA already has created more than 170,600 new clean energy jobs, and by 2030, it will result in nearly 1.5 million more while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by nearly 40 percent. Now it’s time to finish the job.

We’re committed to partnering with the Biden administration to ensure that every job created by these historic investments in America is a good union job that will transform our economy for generations to come.

President, AFL-CIO


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