YOUR LETTERS: The coming fight for better health care

The new Biden administration, aided by a newly elected Democratic trifecta in Congress, will have a rare opportunity to make advancements on many issues, including groundbreaking healthcare reform.

The last time Democrats controlled the White House and Congress was in 2009 — when Democrats passed the Affordable Care Act. During this time, I testified before Congress as an insurance industry whistleblower to expose how insurance companies peddled dangerous and misleading propaganda campaigns to scare Americans away from supporting stronger reforms.

This time around, Democrats will use their power to push for healthcare legislation and work to undo the damage Trump and the GOP inflicted over the past four years.

The insurance industry will use every trick in the book to fight back against meaningful reform, but we’re prepared to take them head-on.

I know firsthand that private health insurers are prepared to unleash millions of dollars in lobbying efforts to discourage Democrats from passing legislation that would threaten their profits.

We need to be vigilant and fight back against private insurers’ incoming attacks on healthcare reform. They were successful in reducing the promises of the ACA in 2009, but we won’t let them get away with this in the next healthcare debate.

Center for Health & Democracy

(A former Cigna executive and insurance industry whistleblower, Wendell Potter is the founder of the Center for Health and Democracy, a non-profit organization working to transform America’s system of health coverage.)

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