YOUR LETTERS: To the union families of St. Louis

Dr. Jenny Page and I and our sons hope you all had a festive and restful holiday break — though we know that many of you had loved ones away from home keeping the rest of us safe, warm, healthy, and fed. Know that we recognize their sacrifice.

It should escape no one’s attention that the very possibility of holiday breaks – and paid healthcare, paid leave, reliable pensions, living wages, safe workplaces, and protections against harassment and discrimination – are rights won for all of us by Labor unions.

2023 promises to be a challenging year for us all.

Despite the gains and losses of last year, it’s the future I’m focused on, one that considers the needs of the many constituency groups in our county. And so I welcome the continued positive input of our unions and your leaders to ensure we are considering all aspects of issues they will be confronting as they impact the working families you represent.

With the worst uncertainties of COVID behind us, and a long list of funded infrastructure projects ahead of us, it will be union members Building St. Louis County Back Better. You are the essential workers of 2023. And I promise you that government will not be in your way.

A Prosperous and Happy New Year to you and your union family.

Executive, St. Louis County

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