YOUR LETTERS: Union workers, which side are you on?

Brothers, Sisters, Retirees, Senior Citizens and Veterans, breaking News! President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, Democratically and lawfully elected by the majority of votes cast on election day, continue to support and pledge union rights to workers. Union workers, which side are you on?

The Grand Q-Anon Party and its insurrectionist traitors slithering in their political dark bat cave and gorging on political mushrooms fertilized by right-wing bats will destroy your workers’ right to organize and will eliminate American citizens’ right to liberty, equality, fraternity, and truth. Union members, which side are you on?

The party of Lincoln has no democratic leadership able to govern and benefit any citizens’ right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of the American dream of happiness. The legitimate GOP is gone, destroyed, dead. Labor union members, which side are you on?

The right-wing, extremist, terrorist insurrectionists are storming our government and attempting to establish a fascist dictatorship. The Il-Duce Pinocchio-in-Chief of Mar-A-Lago, infectious swampland of radical right-wing, anti-union, anti-American Grand Q-Anon Propagandists, is lurking in the darkness, scheming for his resurrection. Whose side are you on?

The political supporters of American Labor Unions must stand up, speak out and defend workers’ rights to organize. Retreat is not an option. Silence assumes acceptance. Union members, your pensions, social security, health care, safe and secure standard of living, schools, and livable wages are in jeopardy. Organize!

Whose side are you on? If any politician is not for us, we cannot be for him. Jan. 6, 2021 was a day of infamy. Remember the attack. If you don’t, they will return to destroy the American workers’ right to organize and to join a labor union.

In the State of Misery, Sheriff Parson and his carnival cast of political clowns are still stumbling around in erratic circles.

The bovine and swine cowboy baron has determined the Slow-Me State no longer has a Coronavirus COVID-19 Omicron emergency (Dec. 31, 2021). The Sheriff of Jefferson Silly and his Doctor Frankenstein, Eric Schmitt (scientific degrees in maskology and vaccinology) are now practicing pandemic back-alley voodooism. Witch doctor Schmitt and his laboratory assistant sheriff might want to take a look at the following pandemic facts as of Jan. 6, 2022 – Missouri cases – 1,067,433; deaths – 16,318.

Get vaccinated, wear a mask. Support and join your local union retirees club. Buy American, buy union, boycott China-mart. Union yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever. Solidarity is our strength.

President, Eastern Missouri
Teamsters Retiree Council

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