2,100 rail workers to get paid leave in new deal with Union Pacific

The Union Pacific (UP) Corporation has reached an agreement with two of its unions that represent 2,100 hundred rail workers to provide them with multiple days of paid sick leave, a key goal in recent rail labor talks, The Hill reports.

Congress and the Biden administration last year forced through a new rail labor agreement after talks between unions and management broke down, with one of the key sticking points being workers’ demand for paid leave.

In a statement, the Brotherhood of Railway Carmen (BRC) shared that the agreement with UP, which takes effect on April 1, will provide up to four days of paid sick leave for UP employees in the union, also allowing them to convert their personal leave days for sick leave.

According to Bloomberg News, UP’s agreement with BRC and the National Conference of Firemen & Oilers (NCFO) represents covers approximately eight percent of its total workforce.

“We are extremely proud of the progress that BRC continues to make on behalf of our members,” said BRC General President Don Grissom. “This agreement recognizes the need for railroad workers to have paid sick leave and secures this very important benefit for our members working at Union Pacific. Union Pacific did the right thing by coming to the bargaining table and reaching a fair agreement. We look forward to continuing to work with the other Carriers to reach similar agreements for all our members.”


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