OPINION: How unions and Joe Biden are launching a new frontier...

By DAVID MCCALL President United Steelworkers Tom Bixler and several hundred of his co-workers produced top-quality glassware at the Libbey Glass plant in Toledo, Ohio, over the...

OPINION: Unions: The tide that lifts all boats

Union will help Troy community grow and prosper By DARIN GILLEY UAW Local 2250  It is a bold statement but one that can be proven with a...

OPINION: UAW organizing Troy Toyota benefits workers, community

By ED FINKELSTEIN Publisher Emeritus The United Auto Workers (UAW) is striving to bring the benefits and protections of a union contract to the Toyota workers...

OPINION: Americans pay a high price for the GOP’s fiscal irresponsibility

By DAN BROOK Common Dreams The GOP is fiscally irresponsible in all sorts of ways. Republicans are worse for the economy overall, worse for gross domestic product,...

OPINION: Let’s build ships in America

By DAVID MCCALL President United Steelworkers Salem, Ohio (PAI) – James Crawford served five years in the U.S. Marine Corps maintaining the radar systems on super-sophisticated warplanes...

YOUR LETTERS: Reform the Supreme Court now!

Lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court have created an elite class of justices, immune to the consequences of their actions and decisions. The lack of...

OPINION: We are all people in the same fight

By DAVID COOK President UFCW Local 655 I don’t normally directly address comments made by a candidate or politician unless they are in specific reference to the...

OPINION: The 2024 election is about the rich stealing from the public

A fight over extending provisions of Trump’s tax cuts is at stake in November’s election. Ultimately, the race is about money. By SONALI KOLHATKAR There are...

OPINION: Immigrants are not hurting U.S.-born workers

Six facts to set the record straight By DANIEL COSTA and HEIDI SHIERHOLZ Economic Policy Institute The immigrant share of the labor force reached a record high...

OPINION: Donald Trump wants to poison the soul of the Labor Movement

Trump is trying to court union members by saying he’s a “friend” to Labor — but he’s actually a billionaire scab out to strip...

OPINION: Forget elections, build your union

Political power comes from Labor power, not vice versa. By HAMILTON NOLAN In These Times It’s a presidential election year. Are you happy? Excited? Ha. Of course...

YOUR LETTERS: Increase teacher pay, give voters a say on shorter school weeks

Two weeks ago, legislation to raise teacher pay and increase investments in kids and classrooms operating a traditional five-day school week was approved in...

YOUR LETTERS: Optimistic for a productive 2024

Shadowed by weekslong gridlock at the beginning, the Senate body is finally debating bills, and I am optimistic for a productive 2024.  Anticipating a constitutional...

OPINION: Be honest about your intentions

By DOUG BECK Missouri State Senator D-1st District (Member, Plumbers, Pipefitters 562) Recently, in the Missouri Senate we have made tremendous progress in getting people to be honest...

OPINION: Initiative petition ‘ballot candy’ designed to deceive voters

Democratic majority rule by voters will be a dead issue By DEB LAVENDER Mo. State Representative D-98th District Legislation proposing changes to citizen-led initiative petitions in Missouri is...

YOUR LETTERS: To take away your voice

Republican extremists are so determined to take away “one person, one vote” in Missouri that they deadlocked the State Senate all last week. The rest...

OPINION: The Labor Movement is empowering working women

By SHARI SEMELSBERGER Secretary-Treasurer Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO Women’s History Month is a time to reflect on the paths paved by women before us, while also recognizing...

OPINIONS: Time for the Electoral College to go?

By ROBERT REICH Inequality Media Civic Action In the 2000 election, George W. Bush won the White House despite losing the popular vote by 543,000 votes. It happened...

YOUR LETTERS: We all share the same fight

Recently, the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations and the University of Illinois School of Labor and Employment Relations released data that...