Sign the petition for equal pay for women in Missouri


Rep. Stephen Webber (D-Columbia) is urging Missourians to sign a petition that will help him convince his legislative colleagues that Missouri women deserve equal pay for equal work.

Webber has filed a bill that prohibits employers from discriminating in providing compensation based on gender for the same work performed under similar work conditions.

“A woman working in Missouri earns just 71 cents for every dollar a man earns for the same work, and that’s just unacceptable,” Webber wrote in an email to constituents. “It’s high time that our polices are changed to ensure equal pay for equal work. It’s the right thing to do.”

HB 2370 would also allow for the recovery of actual and compensatory damages, (not to exceed twice the wages awarded) for any unlawful gender-based compensation practice. A similar bill has been filed in the Missouri Senate.

“Closing the wage gap will be enormously helpful for every Missouri family,” Webber wrote. “It could make the difference in sending a daughter or son to college, putting a down payment on that dream home or even just affording next week’s groceries.”

To sign the petition, go to

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